by: Lois Fearne
Jun 26, 2024
5 min read

The Marketing Pulse: June 2024

Get ready for Summer! Engage young voters, address election barriers, and celebrate Pride. Stay updated with the latest marketing insights in the Marketing Pulse.

June is here, and wow, it’s a busy month in advertising and marketing! Not only is the UK general election in full swing, but it’s also Pride Month, which means there’s a double dose of campaigns flooding our feeds.

We’re here to dish out the juiciest insights using the OnePulse platform, giving you the latest scoop on what’s catching consumers’ eyes in the UK and the US.

The countdown to the General Election 🗳️

Okay, so before we discuss the marketing stats surrounding the election, let’s do a quick Pulse check on how Brits are feeling right now.

🗳️ 74% say this is one of the most important elections in recent years

🗳️ 55% believe very vote counts and can make a difference

🏆 77% think Labour will win this upcoming election

Brands + Politics = Marketing gold or marketing Fail?

Let’s be real: mixing brands with politics is like walking a tightrope. Done right, it can elevate a brand’s image and build deep connections with consumers. Done wrong, it can alienate a chunk of your audience. So, what’s the secret sauce? Authenticity. Consumers today are incredibly savvy; they can smell insincerity a mile away.

Saatchi & Saatchi: Vote

Saatchi & Saatchi has launched a cheeky new campaign called “Voting is hot AF.” This initiative is all about getting the young folks off their sofas and into the polls. Here’s what marketers can learn from under-30s if they want to dive into political marketing:

Vote power: Shout it loud—voting is crucial! With 67% saying it’s a must, your campaign should hammer home the message that every vote matters.

Info is king: 36% lack voting info. Be their guide! Create clear, snappy content explaining how, when, and where to vote.

Banish disillusionment: 1 in 2 under 30s think their vote doesn’t count. Flip the script with stories showing how single votes have driven change. Make them believe!

Advertising that celebrates Pride 🏳️‍🌈

As if the election wasn’t enough to keep us all on our toes, June also brings Pride Month celebrations! This adds another layer of complexity for marketers. Let’s get the overall verdict of how consumers feel about brands supporting Pride via their advertising campaigns.

  • Mixed reactions, but more positive than negative: 41% feel neutral about buying products from brands that support Pride. On the positive side, about 40% are likely to purchase from these brands. However, there’s still some resistance, with 19% unlikely to buy from such brands.

  • LGBTQ+ support globally, not just where it’s trendy: The majority of consumers state they can easily spot if a brand is genuinely supporting LGBTQ+ causes or just jumping on the Pride bandwagon for publicity.

  • Ads are good, but financial support is better: Donations are a big hit, with 34% of people favouring brands that donate a portion of profits to LGBTQ+ organisations. Partnering with LGBTQ+ organisations and participating in Pride events are also seen positively, with 29% and 25% valuing these actions.

Primark x Pride

Primark kicked off its Pride collection across Europe! The collection features fashion and cosmetic items, promoting self-expression and celebrating diversity. The campaign, “Be Authentic, Be Proud, Be You,” highlights the brand’s commitment to inclusivity and its donation of £150,000 to LGBTQ+ charities.

Public support matters: 61% think it’s important for brands to publicly support LGBTQ+ rights.

Mixed impact: 53% believe campaigns like Primark’s Pride range promote inclusivity and acceptance. On the flip side, 47% are sceptical about the impact of these efforts.

Shopping influence: Only 22% say a brand’s support for social causes significantly influences their shopping decisions, compared to 43% who say it has no impact at all.

Other marketing and advertising learnings this June…

🤰 Kellogg Company is making headlines with its new campaign featuring Molly Baz, the first pregnant woman on a cereal box. 49% of Americans see it as a progressive move celebrating pregnancy and motherhood in advertising.

🥇 Toyota dropped a bombshell by announcing they’re not renewing their Olympic and Paralympic Games sponsorship. 82% think corporate sponsorships are crucial for major sporting events, but only 1 in 10 say they’re “very likely” to support brands because of them.

💸 Supermarket loyalty schemes are popping up everywhere, offering shoppers extra points for meeting spending targets. 76% of British consumers are no longer loyal to one supermarket, but 47% admit such spending challenges will encourage them to shop around even more and overspend.

🫀 The British Heart Foundation has launched a UK-wide mural campaign titled “Til I Died” to commemorate young football fans who have lost their lives to heart disease. 82% say public art can influence people’s attitudes and behaviours towards health.

🍦 Ben & Jerry’s new campaign, “Make Some Motherchunkin’ Change!” aims to inspire consumers to engage in progressive activism. 57% of Americans are more likely to purchase from a brand that actively supports social justice causes.

🥓 Ever thought beauty ads could be interrupted by bacon? Well, Oscar Mayer did just that. Picture this: you’re watching a typical beauty ad, with a woman applying lip gloss. Suddenly, the scene shifts, and you find yourself staring at sizzling bacon. These bold interruption tactics are creating a stir (a bit like the recent plot twists at the Oscars 👀). What do viewers think? Some (22%) love them, others (21%) find them confusing, but the majority (34%) find them interesting. Nonetheless, these daring cut-in ads are likely to hold the attention of over half (55%) of Americans.

🥤 Dunkin’ just rolled out its “Big Dunkin’ Iced Energy” campaign, featuring summer projects by celebrity interns. However, it seems there’s still some fine-tuning to do. Over half (52%) of American viewers aren’t exactly buzzing with excitement about the famous faces picked. Though there is some excitement over former boyband stars, Joey Fatone and AJ McLean (22%).

Are you curious to learn more about these campaigns? Get in touch for the full Pulse breakdown!

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