by: Candyd Casidsid
Dec 27, 2022
4 min read

I resolve to understand my customers

By resolving to better understand your customers this year, you’ll be better positioned to improve your brand’s product development, enhance marketing efforts, and garner greater customer loyalty. Here are three easy steps to jumpstart your New Year goals.

By: Thomas McAllister

Can you believe that in just a few days, 2020 will be three years ago? Humans have been deeply changed by world events over the past three years, and if you think that they have the same opinion of your brand as they did then, you need to stop hitting the snooze button.

While having an authentic relationship with your customer is a year-round job, the new year is a great time to resolve to do better.

Add this to your list of goals, success metrics, or whatever you call them: whether you’re testing your go-to-market strategy, or validating a new product concept, start with a better understanding of your ideal customer—and their hopes, fears, dreams and desires.

OnePulse can help you jumpstart your goals in 2023 with these three easy steps:

  1. Collect
  2. Analyze
  3. Engage


Getting to know your customers means going beyond baseline demographics. OnePulse makes it easy to get a holistic understanding of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in real time.

While the world was already trending toward tech, the pandemic has thrust us firmly into the digital age. Consumers are conditioned to do everything from their phones—from communicating and shopping to browsing and yes—PULSING!

In-depth interviews, focus groups, and conducting in-store intercept surveys are a thing of the past. To keep pace with the speed of culture, an agile survey solution is a must-have for any brand that considers themselves customer-centric.

To give you a head start on your resolutions, we’ve packaged up the global community’s opinions for you to use as a starting place for what consumers are focusing on in 2023!


Next: find the red thread.

What commonalities or trends can you find to your tailor your customers’ experience to their evolving needs?

For instance, studies show that most people abandon their New Year’s resolutions by January 19, but 84% of Gen X and older Pulsers will stick with their resolutions for longer than 30 days.

What does that mean for you? One way to interpret that insight might be that younger generations could benefit from health and wellness apps that help provide accountability. Just be sure to advertise early.

Another way to look at it would be older generations may be a little more primed for offers and services that require longer-term commitment (i.e. annual memberships or subscriptions).

Whichever scenario applies to you is what matters most, and with OnePulse you can quickly filter responses and segment audiences using our more than 65 demographic, psychographic, and other behavior filters.


Finally, take the time to engage with your customers and get to know them personally. It’s a no brainer that having an authentic relationship with your audience will help you give them exactly what they need—but we know you need to be able to do to that at scale, so you need a tool that facilitates real-time conversations.

That’s where we come in: every subscription comes with access to our built-in, highly engaged community.

Every day, hundreds of brands leverage OnePulse to ask questions that help them understand their brand’s unique role in the marketplace and relevance in the minds of their customers. By taking an interest in consumers’ new year resolutions, we were able to quickly uncover responses that aren’t as easily captured through traditional research methods.

👇🏽What New Year’s Resolution are you making

I’m going to finally quit smoking

Male, 25-34

Be better at communicating in my relationship

Female, 25-34

Use my down time more productively than binge-watching Netflix

Male, 35-44

And while 40% of people say they don’t plan to make a resolution for 2023, we found a common theme among their reasons why…. they just don’t work!

👇🏽Why aren’t you making a New Year’s Resolution?

It causes me anxiety when I have a hard time making headway on any resolutions.

Female, 25-34

I’ve done it in the past and always gave by February. Easier to just have small goals to stick with instead of one for the whole year

Male, 25-34

I find huge life changes stressful. I’d rather make incremental changes throughout the year.

Female, 35-44


By resolving to better understand your customers this year, you’ll be better positioned to improve your brand’s product development, enhance marketing efforts, and garner greater customer loyalty.

And whether you’re measuring brand awareness, or trying to understand your customer’s New Year’s resolution plans, OnePulse makes it easy for any brand to keep a finger on the pulse of their customer.

Why wait to hear what your customer is thinking?